Enterprise Soln: High Availability - VRRP / HSRP
VRRP: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Implementation Topology: Configurations; Primary-Router: Interface gi0/1 description LAN vrrp 1 ip vrrp 1 priority 110 vrrp 1 track gi0/0 65 ///default is 10 vrrp 1 track 100 decrement 65 // Track internet Track Internet Reachability: R1(config)#ip sla monitor 10 R1(config-sla-monitor)#type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho R1(config-sla-monitor-echo)#frequency 5 R1(config-sla-monitor-echo)#exit R1(config)#ip sla monitor schedule 10 life forever start-time now R1(config)#track 100 rtr 10 Secondary-Router: interface gi0/1 description LAN-sec-gw ip address vrrp 1 ip vrrp 1 priority 90 vrrp 1 track 1 gi0/0 20 Note: 1) Default Priority is 100 (higher is better) ; So you need to set the Secondary Router with a slightly lower Value 2) No need to s...