Linux Box as a Squid Server
Operating System: Centos 6.3 Squid is a proxy server for caching and filtering web content. Squid Proxy caches requested web pages from ISP and reuses the pages if similar requests are made in the future. This has a huge impact on the response time and bandwidth usage since web content is getting delivered from the local network. Bandwidth usage is lowered and response time is fast. I NSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION OF SQUID PROXY Installation: Update you yum repositories [root@telweb]# yum update Install squid: [root@telweb]# yum install squid –y By default configuration, squid has the capability to do web content caching. The default configuration file for squid is /etc/squid/squid.conf Start squid service: [root@telweb]# service squid start Enable squid startup on boot [root@telweb]# chkconfig –levers 235 squid on Set your Local machine web browser to access internet via proxy. Default port for proxy is 3128 Firefox : Options / Pref...